Environtmental Policy

Our Commitment

We, TVS Mobility Private Limited, the Company recognizes its responsibility to protect environment and is committed to regulate all its activities in the most practicable manner to minimize adverse environmental impact arising out of its service operations.

Our Company is committed

  • To comply with or exceed the requirements and spirit of applicable environmental legislation and regulations
  • To constantly thrive to optimize the use of natural resources in order to reduce pollution, minimize wastage and maximise reutilisation/ recycling.
  • To continue to increase the contribution from renewable energy sources towards meeting overall energy demand
  • To control and manage

Environmental Policy

We, TVS Mobility Private Limited are committed to comply with applicable legal requirements and to proactively work towards continual improvement by adopting the process in all our Outlets by focusing on resource conservation and waste reduction through planned objectives, improved work habits and by creating awareness among employees as well as by communicating the Environmental policy to all interested parties including Public.

In TVS Mobility, we will

  • Develop, introduce and maintain the process / systems across the Company to meet the environmental standards as well as statutory requirements to protect environment.
  • Periodically asses and review the impact of all its activities and to ensure that the established standards are being met in all the Outlets.
  • Reduce water consumption, conserve energy through solar projects and explore opportunities for reuse and recycle of water that are being used for service of vehicles in all Outlets.
  • Involve all employees in the implementation of this Policy and provide appropriate continuous training.

Environmental Objectives

  • Reduce water consumption
  • Minimize environmental pollution & health hazard
  • Constantly develop process and to educate the employees to service the vehicles with minimal environmental impact
  • Constantly educate employees to maintain noise levels shall not exceed the ambient air quality standards in respect of noise
  • Minimize environmental impact at the time of sourcing materials required for vehicle service
  • Promote environmental awareness among the employees, customers and Public
  • Conform to applicable environmental laws and Government regulations

Implementation & Responsibility

The overall responsibility for environment management at Outlet level will rest with the Outlet head / Business Head / Functional Head, who will ensure implementation of the policy on environment in coordination with HR & Operations executive at Outlet level.


While the broad frame work of the Environmental Policy is stated as above, the details of different actions taken to protect environment are outlined here under:

  • This policy is communicated to all employees in an appropriate and meaningful manner.
  • Business Head / Functional Head / Regional Heads in co-ordination with HR & Operations executives to ensure that necessary Consent to Establish to be obtained before opening of an Outlet.
  • Once ETP is installed before starting commercial operation, ensure that Consent to Operate is obtained.
  • Similarly Business Head / Functional Head / Regional heads in co-ordination with HR & Operations executives to ensure that AIR & Hazardous Waste Consents are to be obtained.
  • Business Head / Functional Head / Regional Heads to get budget related approvals to carry out any environment related infra works
  • Outlet Heads to periodically conduct the water test once in 6 months through authorized laboratory and monitor the PH value of the treated water should be within the range of 6.5 and 7.5.
  • Outlet Head to dispose waste used oil only to the vendor who is authorized by the Pollution Control Board.
  • Similarly Outlet head to dispose hazardous wastes (oil chocked cotton, sludge, used oil filter) only to the vendor who is authorized by the Pollution Control Board.
  • Business Head / Functional Head / Outlet Head to regularly review environmental activities of the Outlet against set objectives and strive for continual improvement
  • Outlet HR & Operations executive to regularly interact with Government authorities concerned for protection of environment.
  • Business Head / Functional Head / Outlet Head and HR & Operations executives to provide necessary training on environment management for the employees concerned
  • Central ER team to monitor the statutory regulations stipulated under environmental acts through its compliance software (COMET) and appropriate action that is required to be taken.