Health and Safety Policy

Our Commitment

TVS Mobility Private Limited, the Company, by virtue of its long traditional core values, ethical practices, known for adhering statutory requirements, is committed to provide a safe and healthy work environ ment to its employees and towards this it is essential that all levels of management / employees should always be visibly demonstrating their assurance towards safety.

I, S Santhanagopalan, Director of TVS Mobility Private Limited declare the following Health and Safety Policy as per applicable factory rules of each State for the factories of TVS Mobility Private Limited and its Branches.

  • Our Company believes that the Safety, Good Health and Welfare of Employees are of paramount importance.
  • Our Company also believes that it is possible to carry out all activities in the manner consistent with the requirement of Safety and Health of all employees at work within the Company.
  • In furtherance of the above objective, our Company will, as is done at present, continue to strive to provide a safe place of work, equipment’s, machinery and tools for employees.
  • Also in furtherance of the above objective, our Company would co-operate with all agencies, whether Government or professional bodies devoted to the cause of promotion of safety, health and wellbeing of workers.

Implementation & Responsibility

For the purpose of the implementing the Safety & Health Policy, SBU / Regional Heads / Business Heads / Functional Heads of the Company are vested with the necessary powers and authority, and also with discretionary power to delegate their duties and powers to the Operating Managers working under their control, if it is expedient to do so.

While the broad frame work of the Safety Policy is stated as above, the details of different actions taken to ensure safety and health are outlined hereunder

Duties of the Business Unit Heads / Functional Unit Heads / Service In-charges and Hub / Outlet HR & Operations Executives

  • They should integrate the requirements of Safety and Health in their functions / day to day oper ations. Besides that they should provide necessary guidance to the employees under their con trol / working in their Outlet/s in safe working and take steps to maintain their health.
  • They should ensure that safety aspects to be discussed in the Tool Box Meetings (TBM’s) as first point.
  • They should also look into the possibilities of organizing events to ensure better safety and health of all employees and also to sustain it in the long run.
  • They should suo-motto or in consultation with Safety Committee to provide such safety gadg ets/appliances, as are found necessary and ensure that the employee should use personal pro tective equipment’s at work places as detailed in Permit to Work order (PTW) (Annexure 1).
  • They should ensure required fire-extinguishers, fire buckets, fire safety equipment’s, gadgets and over see that those are properly maintained and also take such steps as are necessary to prevent fire hazard.
  • They should identify the areas, operations, machineries and equipment’s which are critical / vul nerable from the stand point of safety and health hazards and take steps to remove health haz ards and ensure safe working conditions.
  • They should arrange for HSW audits at periodical intervals by competent persons and carry out the suggestions and observations made by such auditors. HSW audit check list is attached (An nexure 2)
  • Common Standards which includes meeting all relevant essential health and safety requirements (Water Hydrant, Smoke Detector, Automatic Water Sprinkler wherever necessary) must be en sured before placing indent to purchase of any machinery / plant / equipment. Similarly before selection / induction of employees, Hub / Outlet HR & Ops executive to ensure pre-employment medical check-up and the employees possess adequate technical qualification / skill to carry out the job and also ensure periodical training to be given to enhance their skills.
  • They should ensure that Permit to Work (PTW) is issued for all the jobs entrusted to Contractors / Contract employees strictly without any deviation as detailed in (Annexure 1)
  • Health & Safety performance which includes adherence to safety process / measures and Zero accident has to be considered / monitored at different levels while elevating them to the next level.

Safety at Work Places

  • Our Company has prescribed and had made it known to all concerned, the safety rules, safe be havior while at work and safe work methods. It is the duty of every one to follow the same and it is a condition of employment.
  • Such safety rules and procedures will be treated as addition to the statutory requirements relat ing to safety, health and betterment of working conditions.
  • Employees should come out with an imminent danger / unsafe condition of work encountered by them in their day to day work and report it immediately to their reporting heads or Service Heads or Business Unit Heads / OHR & Ops executives.
  • Periodical testing of machines including pressure vessels, hoists, lifts, cranes etc. shall be under taken as is now done and maintenance personnel shall constantly monitor whether safety gadg ets / appliances are in order.
  • The floors, steps, stairs, passages and gangways are to be kept free from obstructions and sub stances likely to cause persons to slip, should be removed and the steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall also be provided with hand rails.
  • Since our Company attaches great importance to the observance of Safety Rules, Procedures & Safe Work methods, the employees of the Company should not commit any unsafe act and are obliged to observe the same and therefore non observances of same shall be visited by discipli nary action.
  • All Safety measures to be adopted / ensured in each Outlet which includes measures as detailed in Permit to Work order (PTW) (Annexure 1).
  • It is the responsibility of the Contractor / Sub Contractor / Transporter / other agencies to follow all the safety measures / to instruct the employees engaged by them to follow all the safety measures which includes measures as detailed in Permit to Work order (PTW) (Annexure 1).

Formation and function of the Safety Committee:

  • Safety Committees will be constituted in every Outlet. Where such Committees are constituted there will be equal representation from the Management and the employees’ side and it will be presided by a Senior Executive of each Outlet.
  • The Safety Committee which shall meet at intervals as is fixed by the relevant statue or even at earlier intervals but at least once in every quarter. It shall go into the cause of each accident and suggest remedial measures for improving the safety and health, in the work places and prepare a Safety Manual containing instructions and procedures and also update the manual at periodical intervals.
  • Our Company believes that investigation of accidents shall give clues for avoidance of the same in future. Therefore each accident shall be investigated, causes analyzed and remedial action taken by the Safety Committee of the respective Outlet.

Education & Training

  • Periodical training on First Aid will be conducted either through St. John's Ambulance Association or by any other recognized agency and ensure that 10% of total employees be trained in First Aid at all the Outlets.
  • Periodical health & safety training at least one per year will be conducted in each Outlet.
  • Periodical training on Fire Fighting will be conducted and ensure that adequate employees are trained in all the Outlets.

Steps taken in the interest of good health of the employees at work.

  • The premises are to be kept neat and in tidy condition, as is done now.
  • The toilets must be kept clean, as is done now.
  • Wholesome drinking water and water coolers are provided.
  • Adequate ventilation, by having exhaust fans, fans and air-coolers are provided.
  • Such other measures which are necessary towards good health of the employees are taken and constant review in this direction should be taken.
  • Canteen staff will be examined once in six months for communicable disease, as is done now.
  • Eye test will be conducted for all the Drivers once in a year, as is done now.
  • Regular medical check-up / awareness camps to be organized at least once in a year for each Outlet.

Steps taken in the interest of Welfare of Employees at work.

  • Adequate washing facilities, cloak rooms, shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms are provided.
  • Canteen facilities have been provided in Outlets employing more than 250 employees.
  • The food stuffs prepared in the Canteen are kept in hygienic conditions.
  • The doors and windows of the canteen are made of fly proof construction.

Fire, Rescue and emergency preparedness

Our declared Policy is to prevent fire at any cost and in an unfortunate circumstance of any fire, to take effective steps to extinguish the fire and take such rescue steps as are necessary. Towards that the fol- lowing steps are taken.

  • The materials which are combustible are stored separately and disposed of as early as possible.
  • Fire extinguishers are checked and refilled at appropriate time / periodical interval by the maintenance personnel.
  • Fire buckets are kept filled with sand & water as the case may be.
  • Fire-alarm bells have been provided at places which are easily accessible, with clear marking. Boards are also kept near the fire alarm bells indicating that in case of fire, fire-alarm bells should be sounded and on hearing the same, employees should take steps to extinguish the fire, under the guidance of trained persons which includes security staffs.
  • Mock Drill to be conducted once in 2 months periodically, as is done, now.